Starting Fresh!

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Why is it that looking at a blank blog post is not near as exciting as looking at a blank canvas?? Well here I am, starting fresh with a new blog and a new website for my art studio business. I opened the Messy Palette Art Studio in the Fall of 2012 and in that time, my website has been hacked by spammers twice. I want to take this opportunity to APOLOGIZE to anyone reading this that has gotten spam from my business. I also want to THANK all of you fantastic folks that support my business and especially those who tell friends how awesome it is!!!

In the past, I have wanted to use blogging as a way to share exciting NEW things that are going on with my art and Messy Palette! :) However I have always dropped the ball in that department. Like I said previously… a blank blog page is just not as exciting as a blank canvas, at least for me! Well… that being said, I have forced my own hand by making this blog be the HOME page of my new website! Hmmmm, this could get interesting!

So the plan is to post news and events, upcoming classes/workshops and various other things right here on the new HOME page/blog! :)


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